Sunday, October 19, 2014

When will we stop?

The state of deforestation in Singapore is no longer something new. But did you know about the serious consequences of such deforestation? In a paper titled "Catastrophic extinctions follow deforestation in Singapore", Brook, Sodhi and Ng document the local extinctions related to habitat loss over the years, and the results are shocking.

With over 95% of our natural forests lost, the observed percentage of loss in biodiversity was at least 28%. But that's not all. The researchers' estimate that the possible total local extinction, whether recorded or unrecorded, may be as high as 73%!

Sad, isn't it, that we have let so much of our natural biodiversity go for the furthering of humankind's existence. While we expand our homes, we selfishly take away the homes of many species, and even cause their extinction. Reading this paper really makes me wonder: do we humans really need so much to sustain ourselves?

I am also reminded of a video I saw in class in ENV1202, which shows man's relationship with his environment.

So when will we stop?
Brook, B. W., N. S. Sodhi & P. K. L. Ng, 2003. Catastrophic extinctions follow deforestation in Singapore. Nature, 424(6947): 420-426. 

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